Women's rights are the fundamental human rights. These rights include the right to live free from violence, and discrimination; to be educated and to own property as well. Winning rights for women is about more than giving opportunities to any individual woman or girl. In a yet another remarkable judgment passed by a bench of justices headed by S Abdul Nazeer and Krishna Murari of the Supreme Court on 20th of January 2022 in the case titled Arunachala Gounder(Dead) by Lrs. v/s Ponnusamy and ors. made it clear that “Hindu Daughters would be entitled to inherit the self acquired and other inherited properties of their father in the absence of any other legal heir. Even, if the father doesn’t leave behind a will, they would be given preference over other family members to inherit the property.”This also includes properties obtained by partition.” This is really a big win in a country where women face massive social and legal hurdles to inheritance.